Virtual CLE Program: Early Case Evaluation – Assessing Risk Before Discovery
1.00 Hr CLE Pending
The Forum and Locke Lord LLP invite you to join us for a Virtual CLE Program on Thursday, January 14th discussing early case evaluation and assessing risk before discovery. All of us have blind spots in how we assess the world. Because these blind spots are wired into the brain, they act in ways that are predictable – so predictable that they form the basic blueprint for Hollywood screenplays and plot twists. But these same thought patterns can also be used to predict whether your side of a dispute will be accessible to a modern audience, and to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your case BEFORE incurring substantial discovery costs.
Gold Underwriter Host:
At the request of our in-house members, the Forum is offering high quality CLE programming hosted by our Gold Underwriters to help members secure their annual CLE requirements while sheltered in place.