Virtual CLE Program: Off-Channel Communications – Strategies and Best Practices
1.00 Hr CLE Available
The Forum and Consilio invite you to a Virtual CLE Program on Friday, August 18th. Never have there been so many communication devices, apps, and services available for use by employees, and employees helping themselves to these options can create significant identification, preservation, and collection challenges. This program will discuss the importance of off-channel communications, with a focus on unique challenges and optimal processes.
Gold Underwriter Host:
At the request of our in-house members, the Forum is offering high quality CLE programming hosted by our Gold Underwriters to help members secure their annual CLE requirements.
Prospective Members Welcome!
If you have questions, contact the Forum at
Elliot McDonaldProject Director, Consilio
James DaleySenior Director, Consilio
Peter OstregaGlobal Managing Director, Consilio